"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your GOD will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

West Coast Time

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

60 seconds

"You have 60 seconds... your house is on fire - what do you take?"

Do you know exactly what it would be right now?  Or do you have to think about it?   I sit here in my living room looking around at all my stuff.  A lot of stuff, I might add... and the only thing I could think about taking with me - are my KIDS.  Oh, and of course my hubby, too - but he's not here right now - so I'm thinking at this very moment... I'd grab my kids and run!

Four kids, 60 seconds... that's 15 seconds per kid to make sure they're out and safe.  Lucky for me, we live on a one floor duplex.  The kids have all decided to share a room.  It's a cozy set up and I'm very surprised that so far it is working out.  The only time I've seen a problem is when the lights go out.  Our oldest likes complete darkness when he sleeps... while the rest want a light on.   The problem is solved now that I allow Morgan to stay up later than everyone else.  Easy solution.  Everyone is asleep by the time he rolls into bed at 9pm - and he gets to turn off all the lights.  

Every 3 years the Navy packs up our things and moves our entire life to a new location.  In a year we'll be in San Diego, California - unpacking and starting over again.   Same stuff, new location.  There's comfort in having our things.  It makes our house a HOME.  But in a blink it can all be gone.

What would I miss most?   Would it be the upright piano that my parents bought when they were just starting out in Philadelphia... the one with the ink scribble on the side of middle C so I could find it fast when I was young.  This heirloom has traveled a long with us.  Chicago to Italy - MD - VA - SC and now here on Guam.  Maybe it will be all the scrapbooks and pictures that were taken before the digital years... you know, the kind that require negatives to reprint.  Amazing how this generation will never know film development and having to WAIT to see a picture that was just taken.

While living in Italy, our house was broken into.  I remember that night.  It was awful to come home and see all your belongings trashed and scattered/broken all over the floor.  What upset me most was Bella, our dog was shaken and so scared.  She was still shaking when we got home.  My camera and video camera were stolen and I knew that I could replace all those items (which I have)... it was the pictures/film that was in the cameras that I was most bummed about.  The memories of hiking Mt. Aetna (a live volcano in Sicily) and golfing with friends that weekend.  Then there were those feelings of being unsafe in your own home.  Dale worked nights then and I couldn't sleep.  I was so thankful for our single neighbor, Steve - who lived right next door.  A good friend and also a swordsman at our wedding... knowing he was there if I needed him gave me some sort of security.  We moved shortly after that incident... on base and had our first baby.

This 60 second question comes from a movie I watched today called LEAP YEAR.  It's a cute movie about finding TRUE LOVE!  "... when my 60 seconds came around I realized that I had everything that I wanted, but nothing I really needed".

Tonight Daniella (9 years old) came up to me and said, "Mommy, I can't wait until Jesus comes... I hope He comes when I'm still alive" She continued to talk about how she never wants to die or anyone in her family die.  "Everyone at school says, we're all going to die, eventually... I just hope to be alive when Jesus comes so I never have to die."   She's an amazing little girl.  I'm not sure if I was thinking like that at her age.   And like that she changed my whole perspective again about my 60 second question!  I asked her, "are you ready for Jesus to come now?"  With a big smile and no hesitation in her answer she responded with a big, "YES!"

Matthew 6:19-21 (New International Version)
Treasures in Heaven
 19"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

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