"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your GOD will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

West Coast Time

Sunday, October 3, 2010

a PEACEful weekend - CeLeBrAtiNg 41 yEaRs!



Today I am forty-one years old.  I look at that number and can hardly believe it myself.  I'm in my 40's.  FORTY'S. Fabulous and Forty!  As much as I say it, read it and try to absorb it... it hasn't quite sunk in yet.  The fact that I'm 41.

When the beautiful floral arrangement arrived at my door (from my parents)... it jump started our weekend early!

If I was going to be Forty-one and Fabulous... I had to get my hair colored (greys seem to multiply faster now).  The entire family ended up getting "cleaned up" and looking good for our weekend of FAMILY FUN!

The kids all went to the food court to eat dinner while I had a little pampering and coloring done to my "greys"... a scalp massage that put me to sleep, literally, on the chair!  It was fabulous and so PEACEful!

Last year, our family traveled to Japan for my 40th birthday.   This year, with Daddy deployed... we opted on a STAY-cation here on Guam.  And what better place than the PIC!  The Pacific Island Club!

There is so much to do & so much fun to be had while staying at the PIC...  there's just never enough time to do it all!    The news said, RAIN ALL WEEKEND - and I'm so glad that they got it ALL wrong!  It was fabulous!  Unfortunately... Mia wasn't 100% (health-wise) to start off our weekend - so we kept a low profile and let the 3 older ones run around and have FUN!  I was content to just sit on the lounger chairs with Mia snuggled on my lap.  After all, I wasn't having to clean, cook or run around.  It was still total relaxation and fun!

*note:  Daniella did convince me to take Mia down one of the water slides at the park - and that alone was enough adventure for Mia and I for the entire weekend!  We sat on our mat at the top of the water slide... and swirled, whirled and twisted our way down to the pool, screaming and catching air at times... until the very end when I was holding onto Mia by the strap of her life vest, hit the pool full force backwards and face down... getting a huge rush of water up my nose for that instant pain to my head... hat flying, googles sunk and Mia and I just staring at each other, thankful that it was over.  I had to start laughing because I'm sure we were quite the sight!  Thinking about that still makes me laugh!

Pacific Island Club - Guam
Beautiful at Night!

We ate at Proa.  *Thanks to the Robertson Family for the $50 gift certificate!  The kids enjoyed their first Proa experience!  Can't wait to take Dale there when he returns!  Mia ate a little bit of her pasta and announced, "I'm going to take a rest for a little bit".  Which she did.  Such a great little sleeper-on-the-go!

Sunday morning Mia woke me up early to see the sunrise.  It was gorgeous!  Absolutely breath-taking.  But it was too early... so I made us all go back to sleep... shut the shades so it was dark in our hotel room and we were all out for a few more hours... until...

There was a surprise knock on our door that jolted me!  Who could that be?  Peeking through the peep hole - there was my amazing friend and neighbor - Shelley with a heart shaped cake, flowers and cards.  She put my kids to work on friday afternoon while I was on a photo shoot and let them make a cake for me, decorate it, picked flowers and made cards.  I teared up by such the sweetness of her heart and gesture to give my kids an opportunity to GIVE with their talents and love!   Thanks  SHELLEY - you always make me feel so incredibly loved and special!


Hangin' out at the PIC on my 41st birthday was such a GREAT idea!
Don't you just love Mia's bearded sunscreen face?  I LOVE these kids!!! 

I love this girl!

Sneaky little Dani was so excited to pull off the surprise with the help of Ms. Shelley!  Her backpack was left in our jeep and she was so bummed the night before that she didn't have it.  Apparently, she was wanting to surprise me with balloons all over the floor when I woke up!  What a sweet gesture.  I love that about her... Dani is always so thoughtful and loving!


Wishing my daddy a HAPPY BIRTHDAY today, too!  As I am turning 41... my dad is turning 70!  There's so much to be thankful for!  Praying that we will be able to celebrate many more years filled with PEACE with the ones we love!

Numbers 6:24-26 (New International Version)

 24 "The LORD bless you
       and keep you;
 25 the LORD make his face shine upon you
       and be gracious to you;
 26 the LORD turn his face toward you
       and give you peace." '

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